Personal Projects

This is a collection of personal projects I have worked on. They were all created out of fun or curiosity. I hope you enjoy them. is a full featured sudoku app with a decently polished web UI. It has support for notes, hints, keyboard shortcuts, a timer that stops when the window loses focus, 100 sudokus for each of the difficulties and first class citizen support for desktop (keyboard or mouse) and mobile. I started this project out of frustration for the available web options back then (2017), this has since then greatly improved. The project is open source on Github. is a project by Stefanie Brenner and me which aims to simplify the finding and choosing of design masters in germany. It has a very advanced filtering feature, a bookmark functionality and a very nice glossary.

With we tried to create the best anagram generator in the world. The project started because we once searched for anagrams and all generators were not sufficient enough. The biggest challenge here was to combine the immense search space of an anagram generator with a nice and fast UI. Using Mobx, webworkers and React this goal was achieved.

Pokémoncries is a small little game, where you have to recognize a Pokémon with its GameBoy sound. I originally created it as a gift, but then we polished it a bit and released it. It was initially released on and on the german games site GamePro. The YouTuber aDrive then created a video called Pokemon Cry Challenge where he played the game, afterwards a lot of other YouTubers followed suit and also did the Pokémon Cry Challenge. It is really nice to see how much people seem to enjoy this small little game and how it went viral in a small circle of Pokémon players.
Pixel OCD
Pixel OCD

In Pixel OCD you have to find the wrong pixel. When clicked the canvas will change to its color. It is surprisingly meditative.


I wrote BrightnessChanger to change the brightness of my external display. I often like to work with a reduced brightness, but sometimes I have to turn it up when it is really bright outside. It was my first Swift/C project for macOs. Despite being a protoype, I still use it often und it works flawlessly. It is using the DDC-Protocol to change the attributes of the display. A lot of displays support this.

Download it here.

ArUco print
ArUco print
ArUco Print is a small app to create ArUco markers. I needed to print a lot of them for a robotics project, and there was not a resource available to print specific markers and a lot of them, so I created this small page.
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
I wrote my bachelor thesis for the DAI Laboratory. It is used there as a social search engine. One can query their search engine and rate/save the results. The actions were gamified, so the users were more motivated to actually rate the results. Using websockets the actions immediately affected the global leaderboard and score, so the application could be used to shown on an office screen. The layout engine of the application was written by me, as well as all other things. The technologies used were exclusively react, reflux, lodash. I host a semi working version with a reddit backend here. Sadly, the generous Heroku free tier does not exist anymore.
Numbers Game
Numbers Game
Numbers Game is a game that was normally played in the classroom. It is a tough game, which you can actually loose when you found a loop. I computed the minimal solution once, read it here.
Sketches is a site where I wanted to share my sketches made with p5.js, the JavaScript version of Processing. I actually wanted to make one sketch per week, but this did not really work out. The coolest sketch is probably the tree generator, as the trees look really realistic.