Place 101 at Hashcode 2017


Hashcode is an international programming competition where teams, with a maximum of 4 people, have to solve a complex problem in under 4 hours. We reached place 101 in the 2017 competition; this is a short summary of our experience.

A friend of mine asked me if I knew about this Google competition that would take place in a few weeks and sent me a link to it: I didn’t, but was intrigued by it. Hashcode provides each team around the world simultaneous access to a problem, along with multiple input datasets. The task is to find a solution for the given data and write the solution to an output file, which can then be uploaded to be scored. The better the solution, the higher the score. The 50 best teams are invited to Paris for a second round.

One can check the problems that were solved in the previous years; every problem had a similar structure:

  1. It’s always some kind of NP-hard problem where the given dataset is far too big to actually find the optimal solution.
  2. The input datasets are very similar in structure, so a parser from a previous year can easily be used as a starting point.
  3. Same with the output data format.

The biggest difficulty is actually to create a working solution in under 3 hours and 45 minutes. And yes, it also needs to be fast, as the input sets are not small.

My group consisted of Marius Liwotto, Niklas Gebauer, and Maximillian Bachl. We all studied computer science together, and I can attest that they are wicked smart, so I was quite comfortable with our participation; I trust these guys. Because we don’t solve these kinds of problems often and we thought it would be a good idea to test how we could work together, we met up one day and tried to solve one of the problems from the previous years. We agreed on using Python for this, because everyone of us was quite proficient in it and a scripting language can be written quickly. After 4 hours of intense group work, the problem was not fully solved - so a complete failure in the eyes of Hashcode, but we learned some important things during this test phase.

  • Everyone should ensure they have the same version of the programming language and working environment.
  • Don’t spend too long thinking about the problem; try to find a solution as quickly as possible and iterate on the current solution.
  • Have one person write the code and commit it. Merge conflicts, etc., are way worse than typing speed. It really helps, though, when multiple people look at the screen and validate the code.
  • Think about the performance of the current solution; large datasets might not work.
  • Create an outline of the data structures you want to use, especially if you use indices or references, etc. This is super important! We agreed on using Python classes, because we saw this solution for a past problem and thought it looked pretty neat:

One of our group members also solved the test problem that is released every year. Its main function is to give the groups a taste of what they should expect and to demonstrate how the submission, scoring, and file uploading works. We used this solution to create a skeleton with an input parser, output writer, and a basic main method.

On the day of the competition, we all met up again. We coded at my place, because we also used it for the test, and it worked quite well. We met an hour early to make sure everything was set up correctly. One of us was participating remotely, so we checked that communicating with him worked smoothly.

When the countdown for the release of the problem reached 0, we just reloaded the page thinking the problem would appear there. However, a new menu entry is created instead. Thirty seconds lost, darn it!

Everyone read the problem quietly; afterward, we outlined the relationship of the data. The problem can probably be found on Hashcode; if not, here is the document. I started coding the input parser and the necessary classes simultaneously. My colleagues were brainstorming the solution. They quickly came up with a good method; we wanted to normalize the data and sort the servers with some heuristic.

We worked together really well, much better than in the test phase. We still thought too complexly, and when we finished coding the first solution, we noticed that for the biggest dataset, the code was far too slow. Only one hour was left at that moment, so we quickly searched for the culprit and found it; the server sorting heuristic was super slow. We commented it out and tried again. It was still slow, but fast enough to get a solution for every dataset in under 20 minutes. At this point, we had no clue if our exporter or the solution worked at all, as we only tested with the example. The moment a score appeared after we uploaded, we were super relieved. Our score was quite high! During the competition, there is a dashboard where teams can see how well they are doing; it’s frozen, though, after 2:45 hours. Our solution would have placed us at 43 at that point!

While we were still actively searching for performance improvements, mostly by adding a cache to some functions, which helped amazingly. The code actually improved so much in performance that we could use our heuristic. Only 5 minutes before the competition was over, we uploaded our solution with the applied heuristic...and it didn’t change much. So in the end, we achieved place 101 and were all super happy about it, but no Paris for us this year. However, we again learned some important things, which we will keep in mind for next time:

  • Try to implement a simple solution first and really think hard about your heuristic.
  • Add caching! Maybe write a decorator beforehand to easily cache the results of functions.
  • Consider using a fast language to solve the problem. Performance is quite crucial in the end, and something like Java/C++ would have probably helped us there.

Our group name was TU_Dudes, and the code can be seen at It’s quite the mess, though, so be warned.